
Questa pagina è dedicata alle recensioni scritte dai nostri clienti

La tua opinione conta!

Il nostro lavoro si basa sulla forte convinzione che un Cliente soddisfatto costituisca la prova di un servizio eccellente. Leggi le opinioni che hanno i clienti sui nostri veicoli e servizi.

[testimonials 'testimonials_link': '', // URL of the "View More Testimonials" link. Set on the options panel 'count': -1, // Limit the number of testimonials to display. Pass -1 to display all (default). 'show_title': 0, // Output the title of the testimonial. (1 = yes, 0 = no) 'use_excerpt': false, // if true, use the excerpt instead of the full testimonial 'category': '', // limit the random selection to this category. Expects a category slug, e.g., 'my-category' 'show_thumbs': true, // If true, output the Featured Image 'show_rating': 'stars', // how to display the rating (either as stars, or as text before or after the testimonial). Options: 'stars', 'before', 'after'. 'theme': 'default_style', // the theme to use to display this testimonial 'show_date': true, // if true, output the date of the testimonial. Set to false to hide the date. 'show_other': true, // if true, output the "Product / Location / Other" field. Set to false to hide. 'width': false, // enforce a maximum width. Expects a pixel value, as an integer (e.g., '300' for 300px) 'hide_view_more': 0, // Output the "View More Testimonials" link, which takes the user to the full testimonials page. Set to 1 to hide the link, 0 to show it. 'output_schema_markup': true, // Whether to output hidden markup for search engines like Google to parse. Good for SEO. Set to false to disable. 'orderby': 'date', // Which key to use for sorting the list of testimonials. Valid options: 'ID', 'author', 'title', 'name', 'date', 'modified', 'parent', 'rand', 'menu_order' 'order': 'DESC', // The direction to sort the list. Options: 'ASC', 'DESC' (default is 'DESC') 'paginate': false, // Whether to split the list into multiple pages. If count is less that testimonials_per_page, this value is ignored. 'testimonials_per_page': 10, // How many testimonials to display per page. Ignored if paginate is set to false. ]

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